
Bill C-28 : Tips and Tricks

Make clean-up.

When you will send your request to confirm their subscription, I suggest you ask them to confirm their acceptance or to remove from the list, this way your contact list will be a list of great value to your business and this so you will not attempt to try to recontact people who  haven’t confirmed their acceptance.

Catchy title

In your email requesting confirmation, put a catchy subject such as: Continue to be the first to get news from MailContact! In this way, recipients understand that action is needed. But make sure that your email is especially interesting.


You can get people to agree to receive emails by providing an entry to a contest, or giving them discounts in your business.


Sort your lists by month or year, and if they are active customers or potential clients. If people are not active customers, you should ask their permission every two years. Doing so, it will be easier for you to manage your lists.

Sending commercial email will be harder starting on July 1st 2014, but we will be there to help you with tips and tricks, to get new contact and to keep those you already have.

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